Thursday, March 5, 2009

The SuperMom Shot!

 This has been by far my most appreciated composite shot!  And it should be, as it pays tribute to all the crazy multi-tasking that Moms have to do.   I got the idea of shooting my wife, Beth, looking hot in her dress and then balancing the kids with hands and a foot as if they were as light as a feather!

I wanted to do the shot in the kid's playroom with all their play stuff out of focus in the background.

The shoot consisted of the master shot of Beth by herself doing this crazy balancing pose -- and smiling!  Notice how everything behind her is in focus.  All that will change for the final image.

Here are the shots of my girls.  I asked them to sit criss-cross applesauce and to look very relaxed.

For Casey, I wanted to add a little drama/tension to the shot, as if holding him up with her foot was a challenging balancing act.  To get the right shot, I needed to throw him up in the air and Beth took the picture of me doing it.  The shot had to be timed just right when I caught him.

Put it all together and here's the final composite: