Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cookin' With Kim

Our favorite chef in the whole world hosted a photo session during a Tasting session with her clients.  It was a lot of fun, and it was amazing how much the little boys and girls LOVED her cooking!  There were a few girls who tried everything!  Here are some fun photos from the day, and be sure you check out Kim's website and try her cooking out sometime!

Here are some pictures, but you can see the whole (unedited) gallery here.

Kim cooks up some shrimp in her frying pan.

Lucy gives her Mom's cookin' a big thumbs up!

Kris Schweigert enjoys a sample, while her little boy keeps his eye on the photographer!

Erin Avera takes a liking to Kim's _____.

Beth, Mia and Elle McKinney dig in on that fabulous potato soup!

These plates didn't stay full for long.  There's no time to be shy at a tasting for Cookin' With Kim!

______ knows exactly what she wants.

When you get those long noodles, the trick is to slowly pull it into your mouth because it's too good to do it fast!

Ashley Hull had no problem getting her own potato soup samples!

Stephanie Hull really likes the Chicken ________.

Danielle Eddlemann and her husband, _______, are really enjoying the pasta.

Ashley Hull could barely make it over the counter, but that didn't stop her from trying this ______.

One of the Wiggins twins wants her sample of the ______ now!

Mia McKinney can't resist licking her plate, the food was that good!

Laura Edger enjoys some of the ________.

The samples go pretty quickly during these Tastings, but that's okay, Kim always has more on the stove ready to go.

Kim and Lucy lovin' it up!

There's always more cookin' on Kim's stove during these Tastings!

It's all thumbs up for Kim's Cookin'!!!

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