Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Three Generations

Kim's mother was in town and wanted shots of all three generations, including Kim's daughter Lucy.

We went to a small lake in our housing area and the first thing that happens is that I realize that my favorite lens, my 70-200mm lens that produces some sweet bokeh, is kaput.  I manage to hide my disappointment pretty well, and besides, I've got a very sweet 24-70 lens that is masterful at shooting groups of people, and can still produce some pretty nice bokeh when needed.

For me, that's the mark of a professional.  Things can go wrong, and the client never even knows.  Of course, you've still gotta deliver the goods!

We found a pretty cool waterfall that served as a backdrop for several of our shots.  Otherwise, we just walked around and found neat little areas to do our shots.  We even shared a bridge with some high school girls who were shooting a short video for a class.

We pulled out some great shots on this day.  Here are some samples:

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